Traveling Tech Days

Bring students to your workplace: March 25, 2020

The NTC bring groups of students to local businesses & college campuses to learn more about careers and education in the field of technology. Over the past year, we’ve sent more than 1,500 students out into the industry. We’re looking for companies who want to invest in the students who will become tomorrow’s technology talent for Middle Tennessee, as well as their teachers so they can gain a better understanding of the content they are teaching and how it relates back to the industry.

If your organization has been looking for a meaningful way to invest back into the community this is the perfect opportunity for you! Many of the school groups participating have an IT pathway through the academies offered at their school, and look forward to getting to visit and speak with IT professionals at companies like yours.

Have questions? Please contact Dominique Butts.

Traveling Tech Day Spring 2020 sign-ups for host companies are open!

March 25- SIGN UP NOW



  • For approximately 1.5 to 2 hours, your company can provide groups of 30 students with an over-the-shoulder glimpse of what you do, the technology you use and have the option to challenge and engage with a hands-on activity.
  • A short, high-interest presentation that provides as much time for individual or small-group interaction as possible. Discuss education opportunities, the work & education history of employees, mentor lessons, how teachers can implement technology in a classroom setting, etc.
  • Hands-on activities are highly encouraged for student groups. Examples include teleconferencing, robots, 3D printers, etc.
  • Take a look at some suggestions and helpful tips we compiled to help the visit go more smoothly.


  • Let students see what kinds of skills and experience are needed to prepare for your line of work. Participating in a traveling tech day is a great way to fill future internship opportunities as high school juniors and seniors will have an insider glimpse into your company.
  • With thousands of open tech positions in Middle TN allowing high school students the exposure to a technology company at this age is a great way to help fill the future talent pipeline.
  • Help students think about the details of your work (i.e. what coding language you use, software, tech infrastructure, vocabulary, etc.) and a future they can start working toward now.
  • Help the teachers gain a better understanding of what you do so they can align their lesson plans around these careers and better prepare students for jobs.


  • The typical field trip takes place from 10:00am-1:30pm (delays may occur due to traffic, weather, and unpredictable bus delays.)
  • Students participating from MNPS schools will visit one site from 10:00am-11:45am. This time also includes 30-45 minutes for their lunchtime.
  • Students participating from Williamson County Schools will visit two separate locations between 10:00am-1:30pm. You can expect the students to spend an hour at your location, with an extra 30 minutes allotted for lunch at one of the host sites.