NTC Membership – How to Pay Invoices

You can pay your NTC invoice for membership dues, sponsorships, programming and event registrations online by logging into your member portal. Here’s how:

  1. Login to the Member Portal: Click here to log into the NTC member portal. If you’ve forgotten your login details you can click the Forgot your username/password or email membership@technologycouncil.com for creating your profile / account.
  2. Click PAY: in the top of the third column of the member portal, there will be a green “PAY” button. Click it to select the open invoices. (see the screen share below)
  3. Pay with Credit Card: follow the prompts to pay the invoice with credit card.
  4. Pay with ACH / Check: You can find a history of invoices in the member portal in the left column under Company / Billing / Transaction history (see the screen share below). If you would like to pay by ACH, please contact membership@technologycouncil.com for those details.
  5. Pay over the phone: please call 615.873.1284

Let us know if you need help: membership@technologycouncil.com