Tennessee Awarded Nearly $7M in Grants for Computer Science Pathways and STEM Education
Written by: Alex Curtis | Posted Feb 12, 2021
Nashville, TN—Today, the Tennessee Department of Education announced nearly $7 million in grants has been awarded to Tennessee to strengthen computer science pathways and STEM education and help more students be prepared for success after high school. With local, state, and national partners, Tennessee has been awarded the Education Innovation and Research (EIR) early phase grant for $4,000,000 and was one of only four states to be awarded the Out-of-School Time Career Pathway Program grant for $2,900,000.
— Read on www.tn.gov/education/news/2021/2/11/tennessee-awarded-nearly–7m-in-grants-for-computer-science-pathways-and-stem-education.html
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